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2023 Editors’ Choice: Best Preamplifiers $2,000 – $5,000

Atma-Sphere UV-1

Atma-Sphere UV-1

$2100 ($2500 w/mm; $2990 w/LOMC phono)

Intended as a cost-effective entry-level preamp, in its basic form as a line preamp, a single 6SN7 dual triode is used per channel. The line section delivers on the promise of the 6SN7 with a big tone, authoritative midrange, and excellent feel for spatial detail. Sonically, the UV-1 occupies the middle ground between vintage and modern tube sound. It abandons absolute neutrality in favor of a bold and assertive midrange replete with wonderful tonal color saturation. Deserves a serious listen at the under-$3k price point. DO, 258

Benchmark Media LA4

Benchmark Media LA4

$2799 ($2899 with remote; HPA4, $3299 adds headphone amp)

The LA4 comes closer to measured and measurable perfection than any audio product in any category PS has ever reviewed, owned, or heard. It has lower distortion and noise than any electronic component known to him, and its transparency is without equal in his experience, with no sonic signature he can identify. Its dynamic range is likewise at the highest state of the art. An amazing 256-step volume control maintains 0.5dB/step resolution and flawless channel-tracking at any setting throughout its range. PS’s new reference. PS, 311

Icon Audio LA4 MkIII Signature

Icon Audio LA4 MkIII Signature

$3150 (standard version, $2495)

The LA4’s classic recipe consists of a 6SN7 gain stage, a tube buffer, a tube-rectified power supply, and point-to-point wiring. This elemental combination, together with excellent engineering, makes the LA4 Signature into a formidable line preamp. Tonal colors are reproduced with superb fidelity, vibrant and engaging. Dynamic shadings are nicely drawn out from soft to very loud. Although the stock tube complement isn’t particularly romantic sounding, it is responsible for exceptional bass definition and iconic 3D rendering of the soundstage. The LA4’s most compelling sonic attribute is tonal gravitas—an authoritative portrayal of the lower midrange, delivered with realistic tonal density. In all, the LA4 offers exceptional sound quality that does justice to the sonic promise of the 6SN7. DO, 322

Rogue Audio RP-5/RP-7

Rogue Audio RP-5/RP-7


Combining classic vacuum-tube heritage with micro-processor control is Rogue’s recipe for one satisfying and affordable preamp. The RP-5 brought to bear rich color saturation and tonal liquidity and presented a natural clarity that rang truthful. It established an authentic sense of dimension and spaciousness specific to each image. The treble was nicely extended, quick, and abundant with harmonic information. Bass performance was authoritative, controlled, and yet also somewhat warm and bloomy. The RP-7 is the balanced version of the RP-5 and has taken the RP-5’s voice and further burnished its overall performance adding new solidity and control in the bass and lower midrange. Not just a “signature” edition, the Rogue Audio RP-7 represents a significant upgrade over the excellent RP-5. Either should tempt a lot of people to go Rogue. NG, 260, 283

Bryston BP26

Bryston BP26

$4395 ($5590 with PS3)

The BP26 is a fully featured preamp with a tape loop, a mono/stereo toggle, a mute toggle, a channel balance control, a motorized volume pot, an input selector, and a feature one does not find very much anymore—a phase-inversion toggle. Remote control is a $375 option. The BP26 has both balanced/XLR and unbalanced/RCA inputs and outputs and a ¼” headphone jack. The BP26 sounds musical and engaging with fabulous rhythmic drive and momentum. It is tonally neutral with an open quality that does not veer toward edgy or forced. It imparts a sure-footed foundation with good bass extension and control. The Bryston’s musicality is more along the lines of a winning, agile tunefulness, than a musicality derived from a beguiling, silky lusciousness. KM, 269

Icon Audio LA4 MkIII Signature

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