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High-End Audio Buyer’s Guide 2024: Vandersteen Treo CT

Vandersteen Audio Treo CT


A loudspeaker of uncommon musicality and precision. Built upon the R&D that gave birth to the flagship Model Seven, the four-driver, medium-scale Treo CT conveys a single-driver-like coherence that immerses the listener in the very moment the recording was captured. It combines uncanny image specificity, color, and texture with an enveloping sense of air and immersiveness. At least some credit must go to the Model Seven-derived CT (carbon tweeter), which is as transparent and open as it is extended. Basically, a passive version of the Quatro Wood CT, the Treo may not have quite the bass slam of that model, but you’d hardly miss it due to its unflappable resolution of pitch. A true classic. (262)


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