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Sutherland Engineering N1 Preamplifier

2023 Golden Ear: Sutherland Engineering N1 Preamplifier

$8000 It’s been roughly six years since I reviewed Ron […]

Krell KSA-i400

Krell KSA-i400 Stereo Power Amplifier

Krell Industries occupies a pinnacle position in my historical audio […]

NAD C 3050 LE

NAD C 3050 LE “Stereophonic” Amplifier

With classic appointments like lighted VU meters, old-timey pushbutton source-selection, […]

The Audio Research Reference 6SE Preamplifier Review

The Audio Research Reference 6SE Preamplifier Review

Audio Research Corporation is one of the storied high-end brands […]

Amped America AMP2400

Amped America AMP2400 Power Amplifier

Over the years in my capacity as a reviewer I’ve […]

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"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."